
Tuesday, November 16, 2010


So one of the reasons the baking hasn't been in abundance has been from the lack of butter in the Duffey household. The only time my father will buy butter is when it goes on sale....which hasn't been for awhile...until this past weekend.

While he was driving out to the middle of nowhere during the blizzard last Saturday he heard a commercial for butter, available at Cub, for the low low price of 2 for $3! He was ECSTATIC! He called my mother and me right away to tell us to drop everything and head to Cub to pick up some butter. So my mother and father did (side note -I was studying).

How many pounds of butter do you think were purchased in the Duffey household this past weekend?
A single pound? Are you kidding it was 2 for $3

No, not just 3 pounds were purchased...keep guessing

Ok fine 6 pounds - you figured my padre, madre and I went only once and each got the deal.
Guess again!

Well here it is a whopping 10 pounds of butter!
Minus the other 4 pounds that were either already used or just didn't fit in the pyramid of butter!

Moral of the story? Butter goes on sale - my father buys the store out. Well he wishes he could have bought the store but they had a limit of 2. So you do the math, between Saturday at 2 pm when he called to let us know about the fantastic deal and Saturday at 10 pm the Duffey family had bought 14 pounds of butter! Just imagined how much butter we would have had if we had heard of the deal on Thursday when it started.

And how very sad, I made an entire post about butter. =]

1 comment:

  1. And how much was spent on gas driving to get the great deal butter?
