
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ice Cream Cake

Last week I had baking on my mind. With the long holiday weekend ahead and Tyler's birthday I had lots of treats I wanted to try out. The first thing I made was a homemade ice cream cake. Let me tell you, it tasted just like Dairy Queen's, only better.

I found the recipe in the Food Network magazine, that my grandma so graciously gives me after she finishes reading them. This caught my eye immediately and thought it would be perfect for the pool party we had yesterday. The only problem was I didn't own a spring-form pan. I have come across a few recipes previously that call for a spring-form pan and have always decided to look for something else. But I decided to bite the bullet, and I bought not one, but two spring-form pans.

The cake was incredibly easy to make it just took time. I made this cake over a 3 day time span. The first step was to coat the bottom and the side of the pan with vanilla ice cream.

Vanilla Base Coating

While constructing the cake it was very important to leave it in the freezer long enough for the layer to set. I don't have the most patience so it was better to do this over a few days instead of counting down the minutes until an hour was up. The next layer was chocolate ice cream, which I forgot to take a picture of. After the chocolate ice cream was set you added a layer of chocolate cookie crumbs and chocolate syrup.

Chocolate Cookie Crumble

After the cookie crumble, the top layer was more vanilla ice cream. I love how the instructions specifically tell you to pack it in. The more ice cream the merrier!

Fully Assembled Ice Cream Cake

After all the layers of ice cream were frozen together the last step was to frost the cake with the whipped topping. I added a border and some festive Fourth of July sprinkles for the occasion.

Ice Cream Cake

Fourth of July Sprinkles

I was most excited to cut into the cake and see the layers. It looked like a work of art.

Inside View

Slice of Ice Cream Cake

I had so much fun making this cake. It's always exciting to be able to make something that you usually buy. I am very exciting to try different ice cream the next time around. Now that I have some spring-form pans my baking options have increased ten-fold and I am excited to try some new things!

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