
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

2013, say what??

Well an entire year (plus some) came and went without any blog posts. Lots has happened since we last posted. You have been warned - picture overload!

First this happened. We welcomed our new niece, Ella, to the world. She is really the main problem, because lets face it, we love this little girly. And she is spoiled rotten and takes up all of our free time.

Fresh out of the womb

We love her even when she cries

Ella and Emmy

Uncle Tyler and Miss Ella

Auntie Krista and Ella Irene

Ella the Professor

And one more just for kicks
Ella and Emmy
This is from last week

The next big even of 2012 - Krista and Mike got hitched! They are one sexy couple.

The Happy Couple

My new brother-in-law Mike

The Beautiful Bride

The Four Sisters

Krista and Ella

Check out her biceps!

Awww, precious

Pure Bliss

Little Father and all his girls

Next up, Tyler and I just got married! Our poor parents, they are ready for a much needed break. No worries, my mother is heading to Vegas twice in the next few weeks. These pictures aren't the best, but I will update you when we get the professional ones back.

My handsome husband and I

Ella Irene and Emmy

My Matron of Honor and I


Well there you have it! 3 HUGE life events in the past 11 months. Can you forgive us now for our lack of blogging? We've been busy!

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