
Monday, August 22, 2011

Potato Chip Cookies

So because we are a bunch of fools, we forgot to take pictures of all 250 cookies...I know I am sad too! I really would have like to a have 1 picture with every cookie accounted for! I suppose between rushing to the wedding and packing up cookies from two different houses it slipped our minds.
But no worries, I baked some more cookies over the weekend that I thought you might find intriguing. This is the only word I could think of when I got the recipe.

Here are the ingredients you will need

Butter, Sugar, Brown Sugar, Eggs, Vanilla Extract, Potato Chips, Flour, Baking Soda, and Butterscotch Chips

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees

Start by mixing 2 sticks of softened butter, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of brown sugar, 2 eggs, and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract ( I only had vanilla bean paste on-hand so just pretend its extract).

Now this part of the recipe is therapeutic. Put a handful of potato chips inside a Ziploc bag and pound them to smithereens!

Add in 2 cups of crushed potato chips to the batter.

Mix in the dry ingredients, 2 1/2 cups of flour and 1 teaspoon of baking soda.

Stir in a bag of butterscotch chips

My mother is quite particular about her treats. One thing for certain is she does not like butterscotch chips. So in order to appease her I made her own separate batch of potato chip cookies with chocolate chips in them.

Roll the cookies into 2 inch balls and place on an ungreased cookie sheet.

Bake for 8 minutes or until golden brown.

Potato Chip Cookies

Stack of Potato Chip Cookies

Potato Chip Cookie

I had a lot of fun making these. Especially since no one knew what the secret ingredient was. Everyone assumed the butterscotch chips were meant to make them special (remember, the forgotten chip). These cookies definitely had an extra crunch to them but I was hoping the chips would make more of an appearance. Maybe I took my chip crunching therapy a little far and I crushed them up too tiny? Not quite sure, but these cookies were definitely delicious enough to be made again, and again, and again.

Side note, these cookies tasted better with butterscotch chips, no matter what my mother tries to tell you.

Just a thought for all my Minnesota readers, doesn't this cookie sound like it should be deep-fried, put on a stick and sold at the state fair?? I cannot wait for the fair to start in T-minus 3 days!

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