
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Apple Straws

Long time, no blogging. Talk about life getting in the way! It has been busy around Holy Hannah's headquarter. Tyler has been studying his behind off for his CPA exam this Saturday (please send prayers his way)! We have been looking for houses. Krista and Mike have been redecorating their house. Needless to say baking has been on the back burner. 

I got the itch to do some baking and provide some good study fuel for Tyler. I made his favorite cookies, Snickerdoodles. Nothing like a jumbo size Snickerdoodle to make debits and credits and auditing more appealing.

Snickerdoodle Cookie

I then got the brilliant idea to "experiment" with my potato chip cookie recipe. I had picked up a bag of Apple Straws from Sam's club a few weeks ago and thought these were my ticket to the perfect fall cookie. Instead of using crushed potato chips, I would use crushed Apple Straws.  Well lets just say I am not quite ready to try my hand at Top Chef Just Desserts. I have come to the conclusion I am more of a follow a recipe to a T type person. Oh well you live and you learn. The snickerdoodles turned out great and that was all the mattered.

Here is a picture I thought was pretty artsy fartsy. Impressed? I am.

Apple Straws = Epic Failure . The End. Happy Wednesday!

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