
Tuesday, October 4, 2011


October is a busy family month for the Duffey family. Our mother's birthday is October 9th, mine is the 25th, and lucky Breanna gets to share her birthday with Halloween on the 31st.

This year is our mother's 50th birthday! Us girls decided to throw her a little surprise party at the Bingo Hall. You see our mother is obsessed with Bingo! We ended up having a fantastic turnout, 30+ people! Our mother was completely surprised and of course cried.

Here are some (I mean ALOT) of pictures from the party!

Our cousin Zack and his girlfriend Carey joined the festivities

Auntie Shannon and our little Grammy

Stan and Mr. Duffey

Dede, Krista, and Cheri

Jillian Rae, Theresa Lynn, and Auntie Barb

Auntie Patty, Auntie Joanie, Grandpa and Grandma

Gus and Kathy
Katy and Seanne

Bethany and Ellie

Krista and Mike

Me and Tyler

Kathy and Bethany really getting into the daubing spirit

Zack had his game face on

I am apparently really into my game. Very serious.

Mike wondering what he has gotten himself into

Auntie Barb - preparing herself for Vegas

Disclaimer - Yes, our mother was there, however we must not have taken her picture. Whoops!

We got pretty crafty and made a homemade t-shirt. Not the prettiest looking thing but it was quite witty. Tyler thought of the saying. On the front of the shirt it said Sue's 50th Birthday Bonanza (this is a Bingo term). On the back it said It's my party and I'll DAUB if I want to!

Krista also designed buttons for all of us to wear.

At the end of the week 20 of us are going to Vegas to celebrate our Mom turning 50! I cannot wait for a little vacation.

You are probably all wondering what we baked for the party. Well, I will admit it, we were lazy and decided to treat our mom to her favorite dessert ever. But that's a story for another post. Check back tomorrow!

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