So do you remember this picture from the last post?

Well I know you were all probably shocked to see cookies on an actual serving tray! Most of our pics are taken right from the paper towels where the cookies are settling. Well I was obviously feeling adventurous with my photography skills and decided to put my cookies on a fancy tray.
There is quite a story behind this tray. Ty and I decided we needed to get better about going on dates and doing new, exicting things. We....more like me and Krista....made a Date Jar where we put ideas down for dates, then we alternated weeks of who picked and planned the date. Well one of my ideas was to go to a ceramics store and paint pottery. I know, it's totally dorky, but it was definitely something different and we actually had a lot of fun! I made this super cute serving tray (yes these pictures were the first time it got used) and Ty made an irish mug.

I cant say I am very artistic, as you all know Krista is the decorator and I am just the baker. I really struggled with how I wanted to design my serving tray. My original thoughts were to leave it white and do a branch theme, but my free hand sketching skills, that wasn't happening. So I decided to do dots - very simple and I used the end of a paint brush. I envision this tray sitting on my own kitchen counter some day - probably being used for decorating instead of serving, because lets face it, I enjoy taking my cookie pics on paper towels.
Ok I cant lie the cookies do look pretty amazing in this picture
Its got to be the serving tray
Ty really did join my on this escapade and decorated a coffee mug. He actually uses his mug weekly so that is a plus! Here is proof...look at how happy he is!

Tyler John

Bonus Pic - ME!